Media & Collaborations

Women's Health Magazine cover
D'Fyne Magazine Cover

Inspire Your Audience with Joan’s Journey

Invite Joan MacDonald to energize and inspire your audience! Her transformation from a sedentary senior struggling with health issues to a a global fitness influencer began at 70.

Joan has captivated millions through appearances on podcasts, TV interviews, and features in major magazines like Women's Health, where she shared her powerful story of resilience and health.

Her authenticity and inspirational energy make her an ideal guest for media features and brand collaborations that focus on wellness, empowerment, and breaking stereotypes associated with aging.

as seen on


Magazines & Articles

Podcasts & Speaking Events

Connect with Joan

Have questions or think we're a good fit for a collaboration? We’d love to hear from you! See how we can work together to inspire and motivate your audience with Joan's unique story.